寶島夜船 | Journey to the Promised Island

#寶島就是應許之島 《寶島夜船》(公視 #紀錄觀點 第433集, 20150324首播;受邀展出於韓國光州亞洲文化殿堂[ACC: Asia Cultural Center, 2016])| 導演攝影劉吉雄( #高校有刀 #草木戰役 )| 音樂:"台灣好" 作曲:盧靜子(1958) 作詞:羅家倫 演奏:王瀅絜  | 片名引用自 #林福地 導演電影作品《寶島夜船》(1964) 

>> synopsis | video | pics | credits | news







During the Cold War, after Chiang Kai-Shek government exiled to Taiwan in 1949, there was a kind of people called “anti-communism upright hero”: meaning people of loyalty and righteousness, who came across the Strait from China to Taiwan to join the “great national recovery” in “retaking the Mainland.” In the period of Chiang’s military government ruling and under martial laws, those anti-communist defectors were regarded as heroes in political propaganda.

In 1965, our leading role in this film, Chen Sung, with his seven companions in a boat, managed to smuggle into Taiwan, and became so-called “anti-communism upright heroes.” Next year, nevertheless, he was charged with “rebellion crime” and sentenced to 6-year imprisonment by Chiang’s regime. As the Cold War ended, although Taiwan and China do not recognize mutually in politics, the civil exchange of the two societies has been quite active for the past two decades.

The story in the film presents one of the unknown stories during those harsh years of contact-severing between the two lands across the Taiwan Strait.

#寶島夜船 preview: https://youtu.be/9KMtRUQeE6s 

#寶島就是應許之島《寶島夜船》324晚間公視首播  半夜一點重播
導演攝影劉吉雄( #高校有刀 #草木戰役 ) http://bit.ly/fb_journeytothepromisedisland

#寶島就是應許之島《寶島夜船》324公視 #紀錄觀點 
< #顯像台灣 : 劉吉雄說個「台灣」故事給你聽>
李又如 20150312-0318 新新聞#1462期,林旻萱攝 

朱宥勳  2018-08-04 05:50 風傳媒 #2018臺灣國際人權影展

#寶島夜船 JOURNEY to the PROMISED ISLAND ,2015 ∣ 策畫.導演.攝影:劉吉雄( #高校有刀 #草木戰役 ) ∣ 二胡演奏:王瀅絜 | 出品:公共電視《紀錄觀點》∣ 片名引用自 #林福地 導演電影作品《寶島夜船》(1964) | a MIMEO.ORG production presented by Public Television Service Foundation (Taipei) | Erhu performed by Wang, Ying Chieh | written & directed by Asio Liu, Chi-Hsiung  | mimeo.org | www.mimeofilms.commimeofilms.com

blog: http://bit.ly/journeytothepromisedisland
about the director: https://vimeo.com/asioliu