# 木殼船

"every shipwrecked soul knows what it is to live without intimacy" 
__U2, Every Breaking Wave (2014)


「妳不是已經死了嗎? 」


例外之地 Place of Exception v8.5

「面對失去歷史的記憶,紀錄片導演劉吉雄的關懷,逼迫我們反思冷戰結構下遭遺忘噤聲的澎湖難民營」___2016TIVA台灣國際錄像藝術展《 負地平線 》展覽簡介

'Coping with the topic of historical amnesia, Asio Chi-Hsiung LIU, a documentary director, forces us to reconsider the forgotten and muted Penghu Vietnamese Refugee camp under the Cold War structure." ___introduction to 2016 the 5th TIVA (Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition) "Negative Horizon" 

澎湖/ 2003/ 攝影: 劉吉雄